The single-walled and double-walled collective chimney system

The single-walled and double-walled collective chimney system is intended for assembly in multi household buildings, in multi-storey buildings. It allows to flue gas discharge at the same time from several condensing boilers placed on many floors. The system, apart from flue gas discharge, enables to supply of combustion air by the space created by the hermetic housing of chimney (chimney shaft) or by the space created by the outer sheath tube of chimney


Kocioł gazowy kondensacyjny

Gas, fuel oil

System kominowy pracujący w nadciśnieniu

Turbo and condensing boilers (system working in positive pressure)


Komin z stali nierdzewnej 1.4301

Material Type

Material thickness 0,5 mm

Other information

Połączenia kielichowe z uszczelką

Hub-and -spigot joint with a gasket


This product is CE certified

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