Single-walled turbo chimney systems – insulated

The insulated single-walled turbo chimney systems are designed for the evacuation of flue gas from turbo and condensing boilers. They function as independent external chimneys, usually mounted to the wall of a building. The system consists of: an internal pipe that evacuates flue gas, mineral wool insulation, and outer jacket . Tightness of the system is achieved by silicone gaskets placed in the hub-and-spigot joints of the internal pipes. The insulation prevents the chimney from cooling, which improves its work

komin izolowany do kotla kondensacyjnego


Kocioł gazowy kondensacyjny

Gas, fuel oil

System kominowy pracujący w nadciśnieniu

Turbo and condensing boilers (system working in positive pressure)


Komin z stali nierdzewnej 1.4301

Material Type

Thickness of the core material 0,5 mm

Other information

Thickness of the mineral wool insulation 20-25 mm

Hub-and-spigot joint 50 mm with a gasket


This product is CE certified

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