IZO Hybrid chimneys

The IZO hybrid chimneys are designed for the evacuation of flue gas from devices for fuels, such as: solid fuel, gas, and oil. They function as independent external chimneys, most often mounted to the wall of a building. They are an innovative solution that combines the advantages of traditional ceramic chimneys and steel chimneys. The system consists of: an internal pipe – made of isostatic ceramic, mineral wool insulation, and stainless steel outer jacket. Isostatic ceramics is characterized by high resistance to chemically aggressive flue gas environment, which makes it possible to use a chimney for fuels, such as: eco-pea coal, dust coal, and coal. This ceramic is distinguished by its reduced weight, very low porosity and a smooth surface. The insulation prevents the chimney from cooling, which largely increases its work

Kominy hybrydowe IZO


Komin do kotła na drewno


Komin do kotła na węgiel

Coal (cob coal, bean coal), lignite

Komin do kotła na pelet

Biomass (pellet, briquette)

Dust coal, eco-pea coal

Gas, fuel oil

Boilers with an open combustion chamber (system working in positive)

Turbo and condensing boilers (system working in negative pressure)


Isostatic ceramic (core material)

Thickness of the core material 8 mm

Thickness of the mineral wool insulation 32 mm

Other information

Komin do wysokiej temperatury 600

Max. temperature of flue gas 600 °C


This product is CE certified

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